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Semester Self-Assessment & Reflection

This lesson is designed to help you self-assess your semester performance. It is best suited for completion after you finish a full law school semester. It begins with a brief overview of self-regulated learning and metacognition. Then, the lesson provides a step-by-step process for assessing your law school semester.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of self-regulated learning and metacognition.
2. Self-assess and reflect on your learning.
3. Create a plan for continued academic success.

How to Learn from Exams

This lesson explores one of the fundamental lawyering skills, which is self assessment. This lesson looks at how to learn from success and failures. Primarily, it focuses on what to do after a quiz, midterm, or final exam, and how to continue learning from those assessments.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Assess their strengths and weaknesses related to law school exams or other assessments.
2. Identify things to do post assessment to improve.

Assessing Your Own Work

Throughout law school, students will be asked to assess their own essays by comparing them to a model or sample student answer provided by their professor. It can often be difficult to distinguish one’s work from the model. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish what a student knows, from what they wrote down. Experienced legal writers understand that subtle differentiation in language changes the meaning of what was written. This lesson will provide students with strategies for self-assessment, so that they can become critical judges of their work, and consequently precise legal writers.

Grit, Growth, and Why it matters. Or, how to be gritty!

This lesson will teach you what grit and growth mindset are, and why they are important for learning and mastering success, specifically as they pertain to law school.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Explain what grit and growth mindset are.
2. Explain why grit and growth mindset are important to success and law school.
3. Be able to implement growth mindset and grit into their daily routine.

Subscribe to Reflection - Maintain or Improve on Prior Performance

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